It’s time to relax and participate in Teeth Runner!, where you play the role of a dentist, a professional who takes care of other people's teeth. Your objective is straightforward: assist them in maintaining excellent teeth, regardless of whether they are humans, zombies, vampires, or muchachos. However, you must exercise caution when cleaning their teeth, as you must select the right toothpaste and treatment for each individual item. For instance, in order to get a dazzling white smile on a person, it is necessary to use high-quality toothpaste. The monsters, on the other hand, are present to brush their teeth. Therefore, when you have a row of toothpaste or dirt, you should pick how much toothpaste or dirt to take based on the patient that you are going to see next.
To get a better score in Teeth Runner!, you need to make strategic use of the numerous power-ups that are available to you. When you use dental floss, you get a speed boost, but using mouthwash makes you impenetrable. If you want to avoid experiencing tooth pain, you should make it a habit to clean your teeth on a regular basis.
GameBake Ltd. is the developer of Teeth Runner. Here are some other popular games from this developer that you can experience.
Swiping your finger across the screen will allow you to move the toothpaste to the left or right.