Totally Boxed
    Totally Boxed
    Totally Boxed
    Totally Boxed

    Totally Boxed

    It’s time to enjoy Totally Boxed in which you need to navigate your cube through a series of obstacles and find a way out of the situation. The first step is to determine your play level. Look at the screen to see your cube in the center of a dark maze. Be certain, however, that your cube is capable of producing light, which will allow you to see everything that is going on around you clearly. Throughout the game, it will be your responsibility to assist him in navigating obstacles like gaps, traps, and even spikes sprouting from the floor. Additionally, to accumulate points, remember to gather a variety of items scattered throughout the area. Enjoy your free time!

    How To Play

    By using the control keys, you will be able to exercise control over the cube's behavior.

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