Truck Driving
    Truck Driving
    Truck Driving
    Truck Driving

    Truck Driving

    Every aspect of Truck Driving has been updated! Initially, a truck hauling rocks served as the catalyst. Can you get there?

    When the first challenge materializes, everything will appear to be fine. These challenges seem easy at first. You're convinced you can pass it with ease because of your driving abilities from earlier rounds. Is not! Stop thinking about it as soon as Drive Mad 11 begins. Never judge anything you haven't experienced subjectively. Of course, not every level is equally challenging. There will still be difficulties that are simple to overcome. There are also levels that require caution and careful observation. Never forget that even while you must go quickly through the gaps, you must also exert yourself adequately! In order to avoid flipping the truck at the next obstacle, you must balance your speed and adjust it as required. Enjoy it!

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    How To Play

    Use WASD to drive your truck

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