Spider Swing Manhattan
    Spider Swing Manhattan
    Spider Swing Manhattan
    Spider Swing Manhattan

    Spider Swing Manhattan

    In Spider Swing Manhattan, you become a SpiderMan and spin your spider web in order to move between the tallest buildings and get the highest possible score. To begin, you should begin by leaping on a canvas and then throwing yourself into the air. To retain the place that is closest to you and spin around it, click or push the button. It is possible to release it in order to let go of that wire and go to the next position. A white dot on your screen indicates the location that is now accessible. It seems to be a threat, and you are making preparations for your next move. It is important to keep in mind that the better your score is, the more you are able to spin without falling. Are you capable of achieving the greatest possible score? Give it a go right now!

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    How To Play

    • Grab a spider web by touching your screen and holding it in order to go through the structures more quickly. 
    • Release at the right time to keep up the pace and continue to soar
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