If you want to make it to the finish line in Robo Runner, you will need to take advantage of the special abilities that your robot has. To begin, you can choose between two robots, each possessing a distinct set of abilities. Depending on the surroundings that it encounters, your robot is capable of transforming into a wide variety of different forms. You can transform your robot into a bomber, a ball, a camera, an aircraft, and a variety of other things with just one click. It has the ability to transform into a steel robot with machine guns and an armored tank in order to attack enemies. The fact that it will shape into a metal ball and be immune to any and all damage will make it possible to evade the assaults of enormous bosses with very little trouble. Whenever you come across a cliff or a body of water in the distance, transform it into an aircraft or a massive mechanical dragon! To overcome all of the obstacles, use all of its unique qualities to your advantage in order to overcome all of the obstacles!
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