In Kitchen Bazar, you play as a chef aspiring to the top of the culinary world in New York City. Get started right now on your path to culinary greatness! Earn money and expand your restaurant by cooking and serving customers during peak hours. To succeed as a chef and build a successful restaurant, you must attend to the smallest of details. To begin with, make use of the knowledge and insight of your other mentors. The specifics will be revealed by his explanation. You may test the recipe by clicking a customer's speech bubble, and they will tip more if you serve them quickly, among other helpful hints. There are three primary menu categories, each of which offers distinct experience points and rewards. Having satisfied patrons leave your business quickly will result in a financial reward at the conclusion of each level. The second key component of the game is expanding your restaurant in many ways, including by improving the infrastructure of the location and its aesthetics. Put in the time and effort to improve your kitchen so that customers can leave your establishment feeling satisfied.