Custom Mad Driving
    Custom Mad Driving
    Custom Mad Driving
    Custom Mad Driving

    Custom Mad Driving

    Custom Mad Driving is a top pick among those looking for a driving game on Fancade. . Do you foresee much difficulty on the path that lies ahead?

    What's different from last time? When driving on level roads, there is never any difficulty. However, this is not the case at all. There are a lot of stairs, and some poor roads may be seen. Now is your chance to show off your driving prowess. Because of the new Custom Drive Mad levels are challenging to traverse; you'll need to keep the steering wheel flexible and apply the power at the appropriate moment. Your way is not a simple one any more. The ascent up the stairs is becoming harder and harder. The difficulty of the task is always increasing. How do you plan to drive so as to allow the automobile to go ahead of them? It is quite challenging, and you have to be cautious because if you mess up, the vehicle might easily flip over on the road, and then it would blow up. Put out your best effort to reach the end goal!

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    How To Play

    • Use the mouse/arrow keys to play
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