Skiing Fred
    Skiing Fred
    Skiing Fred
    Skiing Fred

    Skiing Fred

    Let’s immerse yourself in Skiing Fred, a challenging obstacle course action game where you perform epic stunts and escape dangers! In this game, you accompany the boy Fred on a dangerous skiing journey to escape the pursuit of the evil witch. You will face traps, dangerous terrain, and even penguins. Also, try to collect as many coins as possible to discover new features to enhance your playing experience.

    How To Play

    • When you click the "Play" button on the screen, you will see your character automatically sliding forward with increasing speed. To navigate Fred, you use the arrow keys to avoid obstacles along the way.
    • Collect coins to buy new characters, equipment, boosters, and worlds.
    • One small tip: collect berries scattered along the way to help you revive right after you crash into an obstacle.

    Related Game

    Dedalord released several other popular games in the Fred series.