Run Away 3
    Run Away 3
    Run Away 3
    Run Away 3

    Run Away 3

    Welcome to Run Away 3! Get ready to help a little alien who has been separated from his people in his quest to travel across space and discover a new world! Maintain a constant speed and don't quit! Simply press the "Play" button to get things rolling right away! You'll need to keep up a consistent running pace while you're in the space tunnel so that you can avoid potential dangers like abrupt gaps. You can't even fathom what may take place if you slow down the pace of your footsteps! You will need to navigate perilous tunnels, which are abrupt gaps in space that will constantly be in your path. In the seemingly never-ending tube of space, you may use the arrow keys to perform jumps and conquer obstacles. You may make your way through the tunnel more easily by rotating it with the left and right arrow buttons on your keyboard.

    There are two different game modes available in this game: exploration mode and infinite mode. While in exploration mode, you will go through the maps from the easier to the more challenging stages. You will be able to access a new map whenever you complete an existing one. Pay close attention to potentially dangerous weaknesses! If you were to fall out of the hole, you would find yourself at an unknown location in space. It will require you to repeat the journey down that path. The game will take the players through a variety of tunnels. You will run into your buddies and be able to count on them for assistance along the route. You should go for the running mode if you want to beat the other players and earn your name on the top of the leaderboards. limit: unlimited running mode While playing this game, you will have the opportunity to get coins from inside the tunnels. Coins that are collected may either assist you in continuing to run or be used to purchase a new character. When attempting to gather coins, do it with caution! You run the risk of being pulled out of the tunnel.

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    How To Play

    • Use arrow keys/ WASD to move the ball left/ right