Flashy Ball
    Flashy Ball
    Flashy Ball
    Flashy Ball

    Flashy Ball

    Flashy Ball is a fun platformer game in which the goal is to take control of the ball to the finish line without allowing it to collide with any obstacles. This is a really fast-paced ball rolling game that puts both your abilities and your reflexes to the test. If you are prepared, you may get started right away by pressing the PLAY button that is located on the screen.

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    Do you trust your reflexes and hand-eye coordination? Then why don't you put those skills into the test with our collection? Enjoy!

    How To Play

    The mechanics of how to play this game are quite straightforward. When playing the game on a computer, you have the option of controlling the ball with either the mouse or the arrow keys. On touch-screen devices, you may tap or swipe instead of clicking. 

    Although it may seem easy, you need to keep your attention on the task at hand in order to be ready to respond appropriately the moment you come across an obstruction. How far do you think the ball will move if you roll it?

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