Egg Helix
    Egg Helix
    Egg Helix
    Egg Helix

    Egg Helix

    Egg Helix is a fun and entertaining game with many levels, in which your task is to help an Easter egg jump on the net to climb to the top. When the egg climbs to the top successfully, you will complete the level and move on to the next level. To achieve this goal, you will control a spiral chest decorated with many tennis rackets. You will climb up using the rackets as ladders to move the egg. Remember, you are not controlling the egg; you are responsible for controlling the chest.

    Game Mechanic

    The egg can jump on the net, so you must move the spiral chest to bring it to the top. These rackets are best controlled when the egg is in the air. The longer the egg remains in the air, the more time you have to manipulate the racket until it descends.

    During the movement, you might see orange rackets. These rackets will assist you in climbing multiple rockets at once by allowing you to bounce higher.

    How to control

    To control, use the A/D keys, or the left and right arrow keys.

    Related Game

    With Egg Helix or Helix Jump, you can test your dexterity and attention. Play now and enjoy your relaxing time!

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